Welcome to Burke Animal Clinic!
This quaint, 115 year old building houses our beautiful, large, modern animal hospital and kennel. Come inside and take a tour!

Reception Area
Here is our reception area, where you will be greeted by one of our friendly receptionists.

Dentistry and surgery prep suite
Our dentistry and surgery preparation suite features a new anesthetic machine and a modern dental treatment machine. This area is used for all dentistry, and also for preparing animals for surgery and performing minor surgeries. Your pet will be anesthetized with an intravenous catheter and fluids, and will be fully monitored at all times. Surgery patients will have their surgical site shaved and cleaned before being transferred to our main surgery suite. Patients are placed over the tub on top of the the grate. The tub has running water that constantly rinses the tub while the table is being used, if needed.

Whitney is performing a deep periodontal cleaning on Dr. Schilkowsky’s dog, Ernie. When the teeth are cleaned and polished, the veterinarian will examine the mouth and teeth, and do any treatments that are necessary.

Surgery and Laser Machine
Laser surgery is one of the services that distinguish Burke Animal Clinic from any other animal hospital in the area. Our patients benefit from laser surgery by having almost no bleeding, very little swelling, fast healing times, and less pain than with traditional surgery. This top of the line Aesculight CO2 laser is a concentrated light beam that cuts and coagulates. It is one of the most powerful units of its type in the state, which means faster surgeries and less time under anesthesia. Our fully adjustable, heated surgery table will keep your pet warm during the procedure. On top of the table is our portable anesthetic monitor, which helps us monitor pulse, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure, carbon dioxide levels, electrocardiogram, and respiration on every anesthetized patient during surgery and dentistry.

Dr. Schilkowsky is performing laser surgery.

Examination Room
Once you check in, you will be ushered into one of our examination rooms, where our technician will prepare your pet to see the veterinarian. They will ask questions about the nature of your visit, obtain your pet’s weight and vital signs, and draw laboratory samples.

This is our laboratory, where samples are prepared for testing.

New chemistry machines
Our in-house Laboratory features brand-new Heska complete blood count and blood chemistry machines. This is where we run most of our blood work. In most cases, your pet’s blood results will be ready in just a few minutes, and you will be able to discuss the results with the doctor before leaving.

A well-stocked pharmacy provides most of our patients’ medications.

Treatment Area
Welcome to our front treatment area, where we draw blood samples and perform treatments that do not require anesthesia or running water. In the event of a life threatening emergency, your pet will be brought straight back to the treatment area to be examined and treated quickly.

Whitney and Melanie with Ernie
Whitney and Melanie are drawing a pre-anesthetic blood panel from Dr. Schilkowsky’s dog, Ernie, who is about to be anesthetized for a dental prophylactic treatment.

Recovery and intensive care
Our anesthetic recovery and intensive care area are at the heart of our hospital. That way your pet will be constantly observed by our staff. To the left are our digital platform scales where your pet is weighed upon arrival.

Digital Xray
Digital Xray machines take radiographs in seconds, so you can get fast, high quality results.

X-ray Monitor
Just two seconds after the radiograph is taken, the image comes up on this screen. The doctor will sit down and examine the pictures carefully, and then will invite you join her to look at the radiographs and discuss the results.

Hospital Kennel​
Our hospital kennel is located right next to the main hospital. This is where our large dogs stay when they are in the hospital.

Indoor Kennel Runs
We have both indoor and outdoor kennels that can be utilized for our pet drop-off system.

Outdoor Kennel Runs
Here are the outdoor runs with sliding doors that are opened to the inside runs on nice days. The dogs love spending time out here!

Thank You!
We are thrilled that you joined us on our tour of Burke Animal Clinic, and hope you will come back to see us soon!